Individual Rights In Relationships
Many times we lose sight of what is happening between our partner and ourselves. Slowly the balance can shift and we have gone from being loved to being abused. One day you find yourself wondering if your expectations are too high, too low or off base entirely. Here is a list designed to assist you in answering the question of what is right and what is wrong.
- To share equally with your partner all decisions and responsibilities related to your relationship, children, home and finances.
- To have time to yourself.
- To privacy.
- To share equally with your mate in all financial decisions and to spend some money as you please.
- To grow and explore your potential without feeling guilty, selfish, or afraid and be allowed to do creative, challenging, absorbing, worthwhile work.
- To have friendships with both women and men outside of your relationship as long as you do not violate the privacy of your relationship with your partner and to choose who these friends will be.
- To express your opinions and have them given the same respect and consideration as those of your mate.
- To have and express your sexual needs and desires without feeling like you are selfish, demanding or aggressive and to decide whether or not to have sex.
- To have your emotional, physical and intellectual needs be as important as the needs of your mate.
- To expect your mate to give at least 50% effort to resolve difficulties in your relationship.
To hold your mate responsible for her behavior rather than assuming that responsibility yourself. - To seek professional help with your relationship.
- To NEVER be physically attacked or psychologically degraded by your mate and to terminate the relationship if either occurs.
- To be free from fear.
- To expect significant behavioral changes rather than apologies and promises from your partner if a single battering incident occurs.
- To not blame yourself if the relationship in which you have invested so much love ends.
So next time you are wondering if you are expecting too much, your partner is not offering enough or a combination thereof, take a look at this list. If nothing else, I would hope it will help you determine what action you need to take in order to achieve happiness in your life.
Until next time,
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