Depression, Melancholy, Dilemma...

Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better
things - James A. Garfield
If life is about any one thing, it is about change. Each of us faces a number of challenges every day of our lives. The manner in which we accept these challenges dictates the direction our lives head. If we fail to make the right choices or worse yet, refuse to make any choices whatsoever, our lives can never be as rich and rewarding as they should be. Winners choose to make their lives better by facing the challenges presented head on and then making the needed changes that move them in a positive direction.Change takes courage.
Change takes commitment. Change takes you deciding once and for all that you're going to live your life with all of the fun, excitement and joy you can muster. All of us have faced crossroads in our lives where we have had to make a choice, take a chance and then make something happen. It's these make or break moments that define our lives. It's one thing to talk a good game, it's quite another to pull it off.
things - James A. Garfield
If life is about any one thing, it is about change. Each of us faces a number of challenges every day of our lives. The manner in which we accept these challenges dictates the direction our lives head. If we fail to make the right choices or worse yet, refuse to make any choices whatsoever, our lives can never be as rich and rewarding as they should be. Winners choose to make their lives better by facing the challenges presented head on and then making the needed changes that move them in a positive direction.Change takes courage.
Change takes commitment. Change takes you deciding once and for all that you're going to live your life with all of the fun, excitement and joy you can muster. All of us have faced crossroads in our lives where we have had to make a choice, take a chance and then make something happen. It's these make or break moments that define our lives. It's one thing to talk a good game, it's quite another to pull it off.
The art of living lies not in eliminating but in growing with troubles. - Bernard M. Baruch
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