Sunday, March 19, 2006

My own

"Everyone has to make their own decisions. I still believe in that. You just have to be able to accept the consequences without complaining." ---Grace Jones

We were created by God in the likeness of Him. Thus,we were created to be logical creatures. This what makes us distinct and above the members of animal kingdom. We are capable of feeling things with p=our hearts and balancing things with our minds. Therefore, I say it'll be such an insult for Him if we won't be practiving this gift given to each one of us.

It is alright to listen to the minds of other people especially those we believe we can trust but the decision shoudl still be coming from us. Life is full of choices and in effect, making way for chances to come our way.

Having the liberty and the gift to contemplate and come up to your own decision would on the other hand entail certain degree responsibility that you should be able to handle. taking the pride to choose and decide in whatever endeavour you will take in life should prepare you for some greater challenges in the future. These tests and consequences after all are the very reason why we "THINK".

You may at times realize in the end that you took the wrong turn in your journey to success but this shouldn't stop you. Reactions of other "THINKERS" may really not agree with yours all the time but everything is a test, it's up to you then to weigh which is far better than losing the chance to taste of happiness.

Being happy solely depends on how you take things up to yourself. I define happiness as ... that sense of warmth that begins at the core of the soul, spreads to the heart, and radiates outward from the eyes and lips of those who know it. The gift of happiness is elusive, but tangible. You cannot seek to find that which makes you happy for happiness comes from within and by your own choice.

Take a step and seek your happiness!


Blogger beau said...

Good for you beewai! I wish you all the best! Everyone in this world deserves to have his/her own opinion and it's really up to each one of us on how to carry on with that opinion/decison we have.

Monday, March 20, 2006 4:18:00 PM  

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