Waiting for you Back Home

Just came home about 10mins ago (it's 11:04am already), have been awake 48hrs (without any help from any power drink...just problems in your mind BAAaam you'll be awake). I guess this is one of the crossroads we'll be having together. There are a lot of things that have been happening lately that I must admit have affected our relationship. It's often times making it difficult for us both to face other issues we are having.
I wanna get through this with her. I have been praying to God all this time to give the one who would really make me feel good about myself, someone who will make me happy. And now that He finally did even with a bonus He gave HER to me. I had no clue that all this time it'll be her. I've let pass a handful of chances with her but still here she is standing by me. Having her is such a blessing especially with my gloomy situation now she is the light that guides me through to stay on track.
Having her now is answered prayers for me. Sometimes I'm thinking, don't I really know how to treat her right? I love her, I know I do but with too much love that I have for her I seem to be too afraid of things. I am willing to let loose because I don't want to be the person who would hurt her this way.
All I ever want is to make her happy, treat her right but I seem to be a little stupid on these things. I have not heard anything from her the whole morning, I guess I really did upset her with our last conversation over the phone last night. I felt I have to put down the phone coz' it's not working we aren't willing to listen anymore. I just thought to give it time for now.
If the little angel is around, please whisper to her ears now at this very moment that I'm missing her and that no matter what it is I love her. Help her find her way back HOME.
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